2013 PROVISIONAL RESULTS - please let us know if names are spelled wrong (handwriting's sometimes difficult to read!)

The ever popular Herod Farm Race is the traditional first mid-week local fell race. In 2013 it will be held on Wednesday 17th April, once again kindly sponsored by Joe Barber Plumbers Merchants.

Distance: 3m

Total climb: 1099'

Registration will be at the Reliance Garage on Turnlee Road. This is about half a mile along the road from the start of the race, so allow  time to get to the start line. Turnlee Road is the continuation of Primrose Lane. See below for more information. Please show consideration to local residents when parking.

The race route starts from a track (GR 032930) off of Primrose Lane (A6016) near the junction with the A624 Glossop to Hayfield and continues through Herod Farm nearly to the top of Monks Road. After dashing through fields past the Pennine View Nursing Home the race begins in earnest, climbing up the face of the "Nab". Finally athletes retrace their route back down via the farm track to finish.

The race was first held in 1989 and the race winner for five years was Andy Trigg. Since the Millennium Ged Cudahay of Stockport Harriers has won the race four times with the 2001 season being cancelled due to the foot and mouth disease. Salford Harrier Tricia Sloan has dominated the ladies race with three wins. The mens and ladies course records were both broken in 2007 by Lloyd Taggart and Natalie White.

Each year the 1st lady receives the Stella Judd Memorial Shield. This trophy was presented to the club by Andy Wilkins, in memory of his wife Stella, who was once also a keen runner but who died in 2005. Previous winners have been Olivia Walwyne in 2006, Natalie White in 2007 and 2008, Jackie Lee in 2009, Zanthe Wray in 2010, Lucy Harris in 2011 and Judith Jepson in 2012.

Some more info on this years race from the organiser:

Just a note about the course - please note that on the first climb we will again be using the route which takes the public right of way through Herod Farm.

You'll possibly be aware that Herod Farm is now a private residence, and is no longer a working farm. The new owners have replaced fencing and stiles, and now have an automatically controlled gate on the entrance driveway, up which we run, to what was the farmyard. This gate CANNOT be opened manually. The new owners were very cooperative last year, and we have again asked if the gate can be opened by them for the duration of the race, but, if for any reason, you find that the gate is still closed during the race then you MUST use the step stile to the left hand side of the gate. A marshall will be positioned here to keep an eye on things. The gate and fences must not be climbed!

Once through the open gate (or over the stile as appropriate) the race route passes in front of the house, and then takes a right turn a few yards after the house up a track to the exit stile from its grounds, where there will be another marshall.

  COURSE MAP - here      
When Wednesday 17th April 2013
Where Reliance Garage, Turnlee Road. Registration from 6:30pm  (SK 028934). 
Cost Entry fee £3
Start time 7:30pm (register on the night)
Start Location Up the track off Primrose Lane 2 minutes from the junction of Primrose Lane and the A624.

Limited parking at the Reliance Garage and also limited roadside parking on Primrose Lane and surrounding streets. Please show consideration to local residents when parking. This is especially important because of the new location.

Race Organizer Sue Clapham sue.clapham@yahoo.co.uk

Male: 2007 Lloyd Taggart 22.19
Female: 2007 Natalie White 26.34


Results from 2013
Results from 2012
Results from 2011
Results from 2010 or as an excel file, or as a word document
Results from 2009 or as a PDF or excel
Results from 2008 or as a PDF
Results from 2007 or as a PDF
Results from 2006 or as excel
Results from 2005
Results from 2004 or as excel
Results from 2003
Results from 2002
No race in 2001 due to foot and mouth
Results from 2000
Results from 1999
Results from 1998
Results from 1997
Results from 1996

Until 1990 the Herod Farm race was organised by Pennine and was run on a Sunday in August each year. The race became extinct after 1990, before being revived by Glossopdale's Barry Hobbs in 1996.

Results from 1990